Speak with Clarity, Confidence, & Charisma

Discover How to Speak Effectively and Win Over Your Audience!

You have a message to share, a story to tell, a solution to suggest!  You know something amazing that will change others’ lives and make them happier, healthier, safer, and smarter.  People need to hear what you have to say!

Yet, as confident as you are with what you want to say, you still can’t figure out how to say it effectively.  You are unsure how to express your ideas in an interesting and entertaining way, how to persuade your audience to your way of thinking, and how to motivate them to take your advice.  You are afraid you will fail or look stupid.

That is understandable, because public speaking considered to be our #1 fear, even a greater than our fear of death.  So, as Jerry Seinfeld pointed out, “This means to the average person, if you go to a funeral, you’re better off in the casket than doing the eulogy.” 

Why is public speaking an important skill to master? Think about it:  every time you talk to someone, you are speaking in public. You want to convince your customer to buy your product. You want to encourage your friend to look for a new job. You want to prove to your boss that your proposal is best. You want to dissuade your child from quitting the soccer team. You are presenting your findings to your coworkers.  You are sharing a life story of your own that others will benefit from hearing.

The way you speak affects the way your audience listens to and interprets your message.  The way your audience responds to you affects the way you speak.  It’s like a dance:  each partner’s moves affect the other partner’s moves.  If you are nervous, unorganized, or dull, your audience will be unimpressed, bored, and unreceptive. 

Knowing how to speak confidently in public is essential in interpersonal communication as well as in professional settings.  Being poised, proficient, and self-assured will help you gain visibility, influence, and status in your field.  You will be seen as more competent, more professional, and more articulate. 

Working with an Executive Speech Coach, like Sue Ann Kern, will help you master the tools that you need to be an engaging, effective, and inspiring speaker.  You will learn the basics such as body language, eye contact, wordsmithing, speech organization, and vocal variety, as well as helpful tips for calming nerves and using notes.  You will learn how to get your audience’s attention right from the start and how to keep them absorbed right through to your final message. 

Whether you are speaking in front of an audience of 1000, 10, or 1, in person or virtually, being able to communicate confidently and effectively is critical for you to succeed in business as well as in your personal life. Being able to articulate your thoughts in an organized, yet engaging way will show your competence, your empathy, your humor, and your relatability.  Click on the link below to schedule a free, 15-minute consultation and learn how to clearly and successfully get your message across and win over your audience.

Why Work With Me?

As an Executive Speech Coach, I will teach you how to organize your thoughts into a coherent format so that your message is understood and inspiring.  You will learn how to grab your audience from the start and leave them with an energetic and motivational message.

Communication is only 7% verbal, but it is 38% vocal, and 55% visual.  Therefore, in addition to speaking clearly and succinctly, I will work with you to incorporate vocal variety, body language, and eye contact effectively to help your audience to fully grasp and be moved by your message.

In addition to learning tips, tactics, and tools, I will help you learn to avoid common speaking mistakes like overusing filler words, underusing interesting and expressive language, and misusing visual aids. You will also learn methods to control your nerves and develop self-confidence. 

As an Executive Speech Coach, author, trainer, social media marketer, Distinguished Toastmaster, and National Speaker Association Candidate, I will help you become a better public speaker and present yourself more professionally in person, on the podium, and online.


Speaking With Clarity

This comprehensive workshop will provide you with the tools you need to create and deliver compelling and memorable speeches comfortably and confidently.
6 Sessions
2 Hour Per Session

Compass Workshop

Public Speaking Workshops through Park City School District Community Education.

Click below
for more info.

Speaking With Clarity

This workshop will help you develop the confidence you need to deliver an exceptional and unforgettable speech.
One Session
8 Hour Session

Speaking With Clarity Under Quarantine

This workshop will focus on effectively delivering a speech virtually, rather than in person.
2 Sessions
2 Hours Per Session

Free 15 Minute Consultation

You know you need to improve your public speaking skills but you may be unsure how to begin.  Contact Sue Ann for a free 15 minute consultation and begin your journey to becoming a more accomplished public speaker.

Client Reviews

What people say...

Sue Ann has been my speech coach for several years. She was able to help me dig deep to find vulnerable and meaningful stories to use in my speech. Sue Ann creates such a safe environment to go to places you never thought possible. The space she held for me to make mistakes and go past my comfort zone enabled me to grown as a speaker. I absolutely would not be where I am without her constant support and knowledge of what makes a great speech and speaker.
Terry Sidford
Life Coach, Author, Professional Speaker
Sue Ann has always a true sense of calm and confidence when she speaks.  She delivers to her audience with compassion and humor.  Sue Ann has the poise to give vulnerability from her life lessons and give the guidance from those lessons, while never leaving her talent and whit to keep things light and humorous.  Not only is Sue Ann one of the most talented speakers I know, she has a keen sense of detail when crafting a speech for herself or in her coaching of others.  Sue Ann helped me write and fine tune one of my first key note speeches, showing me where I could incorporate more humor into a pretty serious topic.  I couldn't recommend a better coach or speaker than Sue Ann Kern.
David Wintzer
construction project engineer

Additonal Resources

Put Some Sizzle in your Speech!

You’re sitting down to edit your speech. You’ve selected an interesting topic you’re passionate about. You’ve written your beginning, your supporting points, and your ending. Now, it’s time to dive deeper into the wording of the speech itself. You can have a phenomenal speech structure – that’s the macro level – but if the words you use to

Leaders Speak and Speakers Lead

If you consider yourself to be a good leader, do you find that you are frequently asked to speak publicly…sharing your passion and ideas?  As a thought leader or expert in your field, you will undoubtedly find that there are many times when you are expected to share your knowledge through speeches and presentations. If you consider

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